Tin Audio T2 Pro: Mod Measurements

This is a first look at the upcoming Tin Audio T2 Pro in-ear monitor. These will be debuting on Massdrop on Monday Sept 17th. You'll be able to purchase it using this link

The photo above shows the vent mod on the T2 Pro edition. The vent mod I used was to cut out a small piece of electrical tape and place it over the inner vent hole. Then I took measurements with the MiniDSP EARS unit.

For reference, here is the same data on the original T2 as shown in a previous article on here.

I was going to wait until I posted a full review, but here's more measurement data on the T2 Pro stock IEM:

View the product ratings on Antdroid's IEM Ranking List and/or Antdroid's Headphone Ranking List
