Podcast #6: Top Budget In-Ear Monitor Earphone Picks

Episode 6 of the Audio Discourse Podcast series is another round table discussion format with our host Rush alongside our panelist team of Antdroid, Leneo, and Toranku going over a list of Top Choices at various budget tiers. This list was discussed and created by our Audio Discourse team over the past 2 weeks over chat, shared spreadsheets and a lot of hours of conference calls. 

We are now sharing with the community our list and explain the pros and cons of each choice. This list is broken up into two episodes with the first one for under $500 and the second one without a budget. 

Episode 6 will cover under $100 and under $500 choices with entries starting at under $10 and working all the way up to $499. This episode will be available on Thursday May 7th at 5PM PST, and Friday May 8th at 8AM in Singapore and most of Asia.


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View the product ratings on Antdroid's IEM Ranking List and/or Antdroid's Headphone Ranking List
