Introducing: The Antdroid IEM Ranking List

There is a new section in the Guides for a new Ranking List that I've been working on for nearly a year now. It goes along with Leneo's IEM Ranking List and Toranku's IEM Brand List. This list, like Leneo's, will be ever-changing, and I'll try to highlight the newest additions in a unique color so it's easy to see the changes.

For now, please check out the current Tier list here:

View the product ratings on Antdroid's IEM Ranking List and/or Antdroid's Headphone Ranking List


  1. The description is at the top of the ranking list.

  2. maybe nice addition -- color code the prices based on the country created. Example -- make all US based iems blue shaded -- make all China red. Or don't want to go to country level, go Asia one color, go Europe another, etc.

    I think you'll notice that the list is Asia-American focused.

    1. This is definitely more chinese-brand focused, because they come out with IEMs every week. :)

  3. Very interesting! The technology used (BA, DD, Planar) and the number of drivers could be a nice addition to this list IMO.
    Also, looking for a full-sized headphones list would be quite interesting too ;-)

    1. Good idea. I'll consider adding that in the future. As far as headphones, I want to start one as well.


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